Lent 2011 - Day #2

I can't promise I'll be able to get an outfit post of everyday of Lent, but I'll do my best! Here's Day #2. I wore regular tights and a cotton skirt, so it was a cold walk from my parking spot to the building at work (I have the space furthest from the building).

Lent 2011 Day 2

Sweater: J. Crew Outlet

Skirt: Wallpaper Skirt #2, made by me

Striped Tights: Delia*s (with a gift card I got recently for a return I made pre-2001!!)

Shoes: Clarks Outlet

Jewelry: Cameo Necklace (gift) and puka shell necklace from my mom worn as a bracelet.

Lent 2011 Day 2

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