Too Lazy For Paragraphs: A Picture Post

Yes, I've hardly posted recently. So here's a quick catch up via photos: 

Easter Dress
My $15 dollar Easter Dress from White House Black Market. It was too cold to wear it, but I didn't care.
Easter Dress!
I made it through all 47 days of Lent. I've worn jeans 3 times since then.
Daffodils in Bud
Spring is on its way!
Professional Director!
I finally got my check from Northwestern, meaning I have officially done a paid/professional directing gig! 
Daffodils in Bloom
$1.49 Daffodils from Trader Joe's, maybe one of the best buys ever.
Daffodil sock
Speaking of daffodils, I'm currently at a sock and a half.

Later this week: a return to recipe-posting!

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